Nutrición Seen

Nutrición / El rincón de la nutrición clínica / Áreas Temáticas / NUESTRA aportación a Pubmed

Morphofunctional Nutritional Assessment in Clinical Practice: A New Approach to Assessing Nutritional Status.

de Luis Roman D-A, Lopez Gomez JJ.

30 de enero de 2025

Este número de Nutrients aborda la malnutricion relacionada con enfermedades (MRE), prevalente en el 20-50% de pacientes hospitalizados. La MRE, a menudo ligada a la sarcopenia, es dificil de diagnosticar, ya que depende de más que solo el peso. Las mediciones tradicionales son insuficinetes. Se promuebe la "evaluación nutricional morfofuncional", un enfoque más amplio que evalía la ingesta dietética, la composicion corporal y parametros bioquímicos para un diagnóstico temprano.

Nutrition Area of the Spanish Society of Endocrinology and Nutrition (SEEN). Biomarkers of oxidation, inflammation and intestinal permeability in persons with diabetes mellitus with parenteral nutrition: A multicenter randomized trial.

Soria-Utrilla V, Sasso CV, Romero-Zerbo SY, Adarve-Castro A, López-Urdiales R, Herranz-Antolín S, García-Almeida JM, García-Malpartida K, Ferrer-Gómez M, Moreno-Borreguero A, Luengo-Pérez LM, Álvarez-Hernández J, Aragón-Valera C, Ocón-Bretón MJ, García-Manzanares Á, Bretón-Lesmes I, Serrano-Aguayo P, Pérez-Ferre N, López-Gómez JJ, Olivares-Alcolea J, Moreno-Martínez M, Tejera-Pérez C, García-Arias S, Abad-González ÁL, Alhambra-Expósito MR, Zugasti-Murillo A, Parra-Barona J, Torrejón-Jaramillo S, Abuin J, Fernández-García JC, Olveira G

30 de enero de 2025

Biomarkers of oxidation, inflammation and intestinal permeability in persons with diabetes mellitus with parenteral nutrition: A multicenter randomized trial

Comparrison of CIPA Nutritional Screening with GLIM Criteria for Malnutrition, Prognostic Evolution, and Association with Phase Angle in Hospitalized Patients.

Elena Márquez Mesa, Adán Jesús Guerra Cabrera, Ignacio Llorente Gómez de Segura, José Pablo Suárez Llanos. Nutrients 2024, 16(21), 3652; (registering DOI)

18 de diciembre de 2024

Hospital malnutrition has high prevalence and is associated with worse clinical outcomes. The lack of standardized nutritional screening prompted the creation of the CIPA screening tool. Several studies have shown that the phase angle (PA) is associated with increased nutritional risk and worse clinical outcomes. The aim of this study was to establish the concordance between the CIPA and GLIM criteria and to assess their correlation with PA values and clinical outcomes.

Avoiding the use of long-term parenteral support in patients without intestinal failure: A position paper from the European Society of Clinical Nutrition & Metabolism, the European Society of Neurogastroenterology and Motility and the Rome Foundation for Disorders of Gut-Brain Interaction.

Lal S, Paine P, Tack J, Aziz Q, Barazzoni R, Cuerda C, Jeppesen P, Joly F, Lamprecht G, Mundi M, Schneider S, Szczepanek K, Van Gossum A, Wanten G, Vanuytsel T, Pironi L. Clin Nutr. 2024 Sep;43(9):2279-2282.

18 de diciembre de 2024

The role of long-term parenteral support in patients with underlying benign conditions who do not have intestinal failure (IF) is contentious, not least since there are clear benefits in utilising the oral or enteral route for nutritional support.

Metabolismo óseo en pacientes valorado para trasplante pulmonar [Bone metabolism in patients evaluated for lung transplantation].

Calmarza P, Sanz Paris A, Berrozpe-Villabona C, Gallego Royo A, Domingo Morera JA, Viñuales Aranda MD. Nutr Hosp. 2024 Jun 27;41(3):594-601.

18 de diciembre de 2024

La prevalencia de la osteoporosis entre los candidatos a trasplante pulmonar es alta y su fisiopatología, multifactorial.

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